Buy Domains | Domain name Search

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Welcome | How to Buy a Domain Name

Buying a domain name should be one of your easiest tasks! 

Most large companies have their own; most radio and television stations have one...heck, your grandmother may even have her own these days. Of course we're talking about domain names.,, all give you a good idea of what you'll find if you go to their Web sites. 

Good domain names do that--they give the public an idea of what they will find at your site, and if they are the same as your company's name or brand, they make it easier to find your Web site on the Internet. 

A lot of people are under the misconception that they must purchase a domain through their ISP or content provider. While the service that these companies provide make it simpler for individuals and companies to purchase domains, you can do it yourself without any help (or fees) for the service. We're going to give you some tips, and show you some interesting facts that you may not be aware of, even if you're a regular domain dominator. 

The first thing you'll want to do is to check on the availability of the domain in question. You can do that here and now, directly with Check Domain Availability.

If the domain is available, you can then proceed to the next step. You will be asked to fill in some information about the purchasing agent--yourself--and you will need to know in advance the two DNS servers you will be using for your domain.An easy way to host your domain is to contact us at 

Visit Agaram Groups 

Thursday, November 13, 2008

How To Snare A Good Domain - But What's in a Name? Part 2

Easy To Spell

Ever heard an ad on the radio in which the Web address for the company is spelled out to you? The lack of good domains over the past few years has lead many companies to secure what might be regarded as "nonsense" names. If you find yourself spelling your site's name to people, you've got it wrong.

If you want people to remember you, they must be able to remember your site as a word. Again, words are easy to remember. This immediately outlaws the use of "unnatural" spellings, of course, so don't replace S with Z under any circumstances!

Also, be careful about double letters. Take CyberRadio2000, for example. Their domain uses a double R, as you might expect, but there is an uncertainty there. The two Rs together look a bit strange if written without capitalisation, and a good name will not force the user to assume anything about the name. Of course, if you really must have a double letter, the best solution is to buy both versions of the domain, but it's not ideal.

Avoid using dashes in your domain name wherever possible. It's a great way to find a good name that hasn't been registered, but can make your domain even more difficult to remember. Keep to a maximum of one dash and, if at all possible, none.


A good site or business name will describe exactly what the site is about. Consider the "real world" example of the Royal Mail in the UK. In an infamous marketing move, the company was renamed Consignia. Now what does that mean? If I said the name Consignia to you, you wouldn't associate it with letters and parcels. In fact, Consignia have since discovered this, and renamed themselves, "The Royal Mail Group"! It just goes to show that, though a "made up" corporate name might be flashy or cost a lot of money to create, it's not necessarily your best option. Such names don't make it immediately obvious what you do, and surely that's the whole point of a name.

Of course, many companies have succeeded using a non-descriptive name: "Egg", the online bank; "" (car insurance); and "Orange", the mobile phone firm. How did they make these names successful? Through huge marketing campaigns designed to establish brand awareness. But surely it's better to have an instantly-recognisable purpose than to have to spend millions to tell people what you do?


An interesting use of domain names has now begun to appear: keywords. To give an example, I started the site and within two months it was number two on Google for a search on "free Webhosting". I had very few external links to my site, and hadn't done any real optimisation for the search engines.

But my ranking wasn't just a fluke. Other sites I have worked on have achieved very high search engine rankings by having a search term as their domain. With no real technique for obtaining high rankings as easily on engines like Google, this could be just what Webmasters are looking for.

Finding A Name

Now that you know what to look for in a name, it's time to start the search! You might already have an idea of a name you could register, but unless you are very creative, you'll probably find that it's already been taken (unless, of course, you're registering a company name which isn't comprised of generic words).

You could spend the next week typing names into Whois searches, or you could try a domain generator like Domain tools. Just type in your keywords and instantly receive many domain suggestions, all of which have been checked for availability as .com, .net and .org (and sometimes .info if the system is working). Using your new-found knowledge, you will soon be able to find a great name for your site.
Register It!

That's it -- you've bought a domain for your site! It's easy to remember, spell and type. It's short, memorable and descriptive, and best of all, it's yours. Now you have your key to Website success, and all that remains to be done is the design, content, promotion, backend development...

How To Snare A Good Domain - But What's in a Name? Part 1

For any Webmaster developing a new site, there's a lot to think about -- design, content, promotion, backend development, and satisfying the client. The problem is that many seemingly unimportant items don't get the attention they deserve, and the site's name is one of these.
Why Does It Matter?

OK, so you know that your site is built around a name. You'll use it as a domain, as a page title, in your logo, and possibly in the design. A name is much more than this, though. Your site or business name will be:

the way in which people find your site,
the way they will refer to it and, most importantly
the thing they'll remember when they leave.

If you don't really believe this, think about it for a moment. You want to buy a book on the Web. You don't go to a search engine and type in "books"; you go to Amazon or Barnes & Noble, and of course when you want Webmaster information, you go to SitePoint. Similarly, when you have a good experience on a site, you might say to your friends "I read a great article on SitePoint", or "I found great book prices at Amazon".

Whatever the name of your site -- and however you promote it -- it's vital to realise that the name is going to be a major part of your success.
What IS A Good Name?

So now you understand the importance of your site's name, how can you ensure that you pick a good one? The first thing you must think of, obviously, is domains. There's no point in having a great name for a site if you don't have the domain, so the Whois databases are the place where you'll do your research.

So, what makes a good domain?

Good Extension


Easy To Spell



Good Extension

If you believe the spam which arrives in your mailbox every morning, .ws is the new .com, .us is the new .com. .tv is the new .com... But the reality is simple: there is no new .com. Whatever develops in the Internet industry, the .com domain will always be synonymous with the top Websites. If you're surfing around looking for a site, and you know its name, 9 out of 10 times you'll try .com.

So, for the Website owner who wants their site to be found, the rule is: if at all possible, get a .com name.

But as many of you will know, it's not always possible to get a good .com name that relates to your site. So what extension should you pick instead? I'd say that .net, .info and country level domains are also viable for a Website, but only in certain circumstances:

You can use a .net for most types of sites, but it works best for technology-related sites. If you can get a short, snappy .net, it's almost as good as a .com, but don't bother with anything that's too long or complex.
Consider .info if your site is informational. For example, if I was looking for the Web host 'HostRocket', I'd go to the .com site, but if I wanted to get more information about using it, I'd try the .info version of the domain (which just happens to be the customer-driven informational site). Don't bother setting up a non-informational site on a .info domain, though: it'll just annoy people.
Country level domains are useful for particular Websites. If you're building a site for a business that's established in a particular country, or you plan to aim for a specific county's audience, then you may be better off with this than a generic .com (although I'd buy them both to be safe). As with .net, it's really not worth buying a country level domain for a worldwide site, unless you can get something very short and memorable.


I've mentioned length before, but it's important to understand why short domains are so good.

Firstly, of course, they're easier to remember. Anyone who has tried learning "Hamlet" quotes will tell you that a word is easier to remember than a phrase. Two word domains are probably fine -- three at the most, but if you have a really long domain it will just be confusing, especially if the words aren't capitalised.

A simple name will also:

roll off the tongue more easily in conversation,
look more professional and
have less chance of being mis-typed by potential visitors.

8 quick tips to choose a Domain name

Your domain name is the center of your Internet identity. So what type of things should you take into consideration when choosing the name that will represent you on the Web? offers these 8 handy tips.
1. Keep it short

Although some places allow you to register a name with up to 63 characters, you have to keep in mind that people need to be able to remember it, and easily type it into their browser. Try to register the shortest name that your customers and visitors will associate with your Website. The general rule of thumb is, keep it under seven characters if possible. (Not including the suffix.)
2. Dot What?

There are many different extensions available right now. For businesses, we recommend a .com suffix. It is the first extension that most people try when searching for a Website. Also, since it is one of the oldest extensions, .com shows that your business has been around for a while and that you have a well-established presence on the Web.
3. Avoid Trademarked Names

There are two really good reasons for this. First, it’s not very nice. We have all heard the stories about the zany guy who thought ahead and bought "" and sold it to the company for enough money to retire on. But, remember that those companies, like yours, have spent lots of time and money creating their brand, and what goes around comes around. Also, companies are no longer opening their pocketbooks to get their names back. They are calling their lawyers.
4. Register Your Domain NOW

Domain names are being snatched up faster than candy at the St. Patrick’s Day parade. You must register soon unless you want to get stuck with "". You do not have to have a Webmaster or an ecommerce department or a Web design consultant or... Heck, you don’t even need a Web page. Just get out there and register before you loose the opportunity to get the name you really want.
5. One May Not Be Enough

Sometimes, it isn’t a bad idea to register several similar domain names. If you have "", register "" so no one else takes it. You can register your full company name and a shorter, easier to remember version. Some people even register common misspellings of their company’s name. (You don’t need a separate Web page for each. Several domains can point to the same Website.)
6. Character Types

Just a reminder. Domain names can only use letters, numbers, and dashes. Spaces and symbols are not allowed. Also, domain names are not case sensitive.
7. Ask Around

When you have settled on several available name choices, see what your friends and clients have to say. A name that may make perfect sense to you may be too hard for other people to remember. Is your domain easy to say? Is it hard to spell? Do you have to explain why you chose the name?
8. Don’t Shell Out Large Amounts of $$$

At one time, companies were able to get away with charging reservation fees plus a "mandatory" $70 InterNIC fee. Recently, it was decided that other companies should be able to compete to sell domain names. This has lowered prices dramatically.

And remember, if you think that if you have found the right domain name, but you're not quite sure if it's the one... register it anyway before someone else does!

Come on - Lets start domaining

Dear friends,

I am in the domain industry for the past 2 years.
I would like to share you my experience on domains.

If you want to Buy Domain Name or know about domains ,you are at the right place.

I ll get you the information on where to buy a domain ,
how to name the domain and lots more

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